It appears you have won the race to legitimacy.
Hey girlface if you're reading this.
After an initial day of wanting to barf all over my phone.
I'm happy for you.
But only because I know I'm cooler than her!
In my own way.
Undoubtedly I knew this day would come. Because you're an awesome cool interesting guy and our union most certainly ran it's course.
I'm just doing my usual man-scaring. Which is shitty then fine.
Thoughts now that I be bloggin
I made this in Photoshop today because I was boooored. My late manfriend introduced me to phlearn and it is AWESOME. So many great video tutorials. Soon I will have many skills and eliminate jobs we outsource to designers, who are a pain in the ass to deal with.
I was pretty bummed on Tuesday, but now I'm like only half bummed. I'm just bored of being single and want someone to do stuff with all that time that I really like. I really like only a few people.
I'm thinking I'm going to sell my Wayhome ticket to go awayhome. I mean away. Like trips to the east coast or the USA. I need someone to go with cuz this is definitely getting kidnapped.