Monday, April 25, 2011

someone HIRE ME
I need to contribute to society!

im too bored
and even tho work is stinky
at least id get paid to be bored

My dog agnes pulled shit out of our kitchen garbage
that is why dear father
we do not pace the waste basket in the middle of the kitchen

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I dont want to fill the landfills. I wish recycling worked for everything.
Input 6 old shirts, output 1 new!
(awesome vintage included)

I'm gutting my room because I hate holding on to things whose useful lives have expired.
I will probably always work or sell my body to science.


The University of Western Ontario has been ranked 4th on PLAYBOY's list of party schools. That makes us the top party school in Canada.

To be honest, I was confused. Why were we chosen? Did Western cut some cheques to underhandedly promote itself? Who knows. I feel it could have been any school, but I'd like to rethink this. What factored us into this presitgious category?

Some reasons:
1} 20000 students drinking age
2} The bar scene
+but how much better could a metropolis of 30000 be?
+one might think..Toronto big city...more partyparty.
+BUT perhaps it is londons less ginormous population that makes it better.
+there's enough people for it to be hopping but it's small enough that you actually recognize people.
3} Our co-ed residence of 1200 people (mentioned by playboy)

Clink cheersss