Sunday, April 24, 2011


The University of Western Ontario has been ranked 4th on PLAYBOY's list of party schools. That makes us the top party school in Canada.

To be honest, I was confused. Why were we chosen? Did Western cut some cheques to underhandedly promote itself? Who knows. I feel it could have been any school, but I'd like to rethink this. What factored us into this presitgious category?

Some reasons:
1} 20000 students drinking age
2} The bar scene
+but how much better could a metropolis of 30000 be?
+one might think..Toronto big city...more partyparty.
+BUT perhaps it is londons less ginormous population that makes it better.
+there's enough people for it to be hopping but it's small enough that you actually recognize people.
3} Our co-ed residence of 1200 people (mentioned by playboy)

Clink cheersss