Monday, January 30, 2012


he's grand, understand?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mission Critical

my new compsci really likes coding. he kind of scares me.
fuuuuuh i hope i can handle this content.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


This has been such a wild break. I really didn't think it would have that much of an effect on me, but it has been very interesting. This whole month, december with january actually has been thick with shit going down. Like everywhere, not just my life. I don't wanna go on a moral splurge, but I've learned so much. Like that losing people is so easy, but so is keeping them. Though it makes me sad to leave, I'm glad to have had this experience so that London is better.

Friday, January 6, 2012

all the drunks

excited for school to begin and not be drunk... every... other....night
maybe :P

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The world's mine oyster

This phrase first appears in Shakespeare's play The Merry Wives of Windsor

Falstaff: I will not lend thee a penny.
Pistol: Why then the world's mine oyster,
Which I with sword will open.
Falstaff: Not a penny.

The oyster contains a precious pearl which attests to itself high value, even today. If the world is one's oyster, they have the chance to seek high rewards. You may have access to many opportunities to leisurely choose from, given that you are in a position to do so. Those in North Korea would may have oyster intolerance.

Fuck the economy, I want an oyster.
Note to self stop waking up on the couch.
I do live here...

Guh, I don't want to go back to London yet.
I'm so content n stuff here, right now. I think I'm dreading returning to the mentality. There's so much pressure to meet a high ideal, and sometimes I think the amount of pressure has a negative effect and I end up being even less productive.

One major benefit which will make it run much smoother is that this semester is devoid of Calculus. That's for summer school, which was gonna happen regardless. Haha, and it'll be /easier/ in the summer. Fucking prerequisite's which give me no joy whatsoever. The only downfall of this is that I would have to stay in London for the summer. This at first seems like an exciting prospect, as I've never had a summer spent in a real city before (oh, except for 10 weeks at SickKids, but let's not count that), but I think a break from London is healthy, and gives me balance and appreciation for both. Not to mention I would save money at home. I raised this concern to my mother and she came up with a genius point. Take Calculas at Trent and have them transfer the credit to Western. SO intrigued, I'm definitely going to discuss this with academic counselling to see if it's at all possible. Then I would be in Peterborough every day and could visit my luvuuuur, hollykins until I drove her nutso. Or I could just do it online, the world is my oyster.

Ah, there's an electrician man yacking with my parents in the kitchen. LEAVE sir so I don't feel like an awkward, rude teen just because I want to walk through my kitchen and progress with my day.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years Bitches

Such a good windup to 2011.

Great times with my old friends to start this year anew. Maybe too much booze, thank god my friends still love me.
We hit up Peterborough, me hawree, dee, reb, chris and adam.
Lookin Slammin'.

Delayed photo publishing is unacceptable!
It's 2012 mang, we're a fast-paced generation!