Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Step 1: Freak out
Step 2: Get that shit done


Someone please tattoo my boday right now.

Am want a corgi. Because I freaking LOVE corgis. And that is all.
Meaningful ink my ass.

Also, hawree and I should get tats.
a cupcake?
Or white lace. Girl mentioned it a while ago and I think that would be super sex.

Monday, July 30, 2012

dear grandpa

you suuuuuck
but at least my distaste for you is affirmed ever since you told me I was putting on weight when I was TWELVE.
Asshole, get your act together, you spoiled, bratty tit.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sixty bucks later

When I offered to come over for the night he said "No, that's not practical, save your money blahblahblah." At first I was like: "Ah, man totally right... guess I should listen and just stay," but then I remembered! Since when am I reasonable person, not subject to impulse despite the best advice than others. One jam sesh later, impracticality rules all.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

london is boring

So I repierced my nose. Well I didn't. Some lady who I swore had smoked so much weed that it stuck to her brain pierced. Thankfully I didn't think she was high, just spacey as fuck.

It's been a while, metal in my nose. I got it pierced with a hoop last year as an attempt to impress a boy, but fuck him! It looked really sick, but my dad cut it off. Metal clippers in hand, we took the sucker out in the middle of kitchen before my interview at last summer's job: Campbellford T-Hoe's. I'm short forming the popular Canadian coffee shop in case any of my former co-workers look up the number and discover my blog. Not the crowd I want reading my shit. Anyways, I don't think dad quite got that the hoop was attached to my body. I kind of had to follow the clippers to avoid losing a nostril.

Cheers to being a little more badass once more.

 Then:  My hair looks good. tbh it was freshly cut and styled, any other time it was dry as shit and blaaaahzé. If you are fine haired lady like me, don't box dye the shit out of your hair. It's all about the real stylist and root touch ups.

resist urge to make over self.
Now: studular.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


All I wanna do is get high in the evening time.
Why is this a moral dilemma?
I feel influenced by the guvment and the media.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I think mi novio and I should be come a bad-ass couple that acts like a dick to people.
Yah, a rude sullen couple who don't take crap from nobody.
Stick it to the man.
some families are so creepily nice together, it makes me want to join their home and be the asshole rebel kid that makes everyone pissy

Monday, July 23, 2012


Why do both of my grandpas have to be creepy cradle robbers?
I don't know.
But holy fuck grandpas. You couldn't even wait at least three months after your wife of sixty years dies?
How does that even work.
I know you're mourning but I think it's pretty obvious that when they ask you to buy them a car, something's wrong.
Mary-Anne was an angel. You're ugly.


It's not for the stars, it's for the birds! I hope this class is as easy as they say.
Sooo.... for my own knowledge: review.

10 credits - 1.0 empty credit - 0.5 calc fail
= 8.5 credits
+ 0.5 easy spanish credit
= 9.0 credits
+ 5.0 credits (assuming I pass all this shiznat)
= 14.0 credits

Oh wait I need 20.0 credits to GRADUATE. Ok.... soooo

Summer 2013
1.0 credits

Fall 2013
5.0 credits
.... or something.


The usual

Boyfriend over for the weekend, laundry on Monday.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

In honour of my sororities symbol, I am going to get HIIIIIGH as a kite tonight. It has been so long Penelope. I dedicate this blaze to Hawree. Keep fighting the good fight, and thank you for the elephant. MUCHOS LOVOS.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The one that got away

Dammit Shiloh I miss you! Hopefully you're still waving your paws in the air. 
Like ya just don't care.

Conflict Resolution

Girls: Talk it out
Boys: Fight it out
We: Fuck it out

...then again our last argument was over dysmorphia

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


communication is the key to all your woes
or at least boys and hydro bills
and i'm in media

Look I grew a wig.

Monday, July 16, 2012

on edge


I hate my stupid wimpy hormones. Melodramatics will be the death of me. Ugggggggh I'm an impulsive tit.

In other news:
Spanish is easy
Free cheesecake frozen yogurt with pieces of Skor is the best goddam thing ever.
Steve Martin is kind of cute in a serious trench coat role.
And I still suck at guitar. The F chord is the devil.


pay your hydro, or I will make you look like the world's biggest cunt

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


when roommate #kimC is out i use A/C
yah bitch yahhh
was indeed able to reapply face post-melting

Today my prof ana said

"I am not out to give you bad marks, no. I am just happy to see that you are learning spanish."

Language classes are awesome.
I keep waiting for this angel-faced woman to bring in fresh, warm churros, but it doesn't happen.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


I forgot that tumblr exposes me to a million underweight girls.
I feel gross.

Porn World vs the Real World

Women have no hair down there.
Some women shave, some women don't. Some men actively prefer women who keep their hair. If you do shave, it requires constant maintenance which can be a pain in the.... Entirely up to personal choice.

Monday, July 9, 2012

"10 things you didn't know about your orgasm"

A TEDtalk in need of quoting

1.) A fetus can masturbate in utero.
2.) You don't need genitals.
3.) You can have them when you're dead.
4.) They can cause bad breath.
5.) They can cure hiccups.
6.) Doctors once prescribed them for fertility.
7.) Pig farmers still do.
8.) Animals orgasm more than we think they do.
9.) There was an instrument developed in lab studies — a camera attached to a phallus — to study what happens inside a woman's vagina when she climaxes.
10.) Kinsey conducted, for lack of a better term, jerk-off in which he lined men up next to each other and had them ejaculate in order to study how far semen can shoot.

espagnol amigos

First, a note to self.
Aug. 6 Civic Holiday. No classes. (Western Holiday)
Aug. 17 Summer Day classes end.
Aug. 20-21 Examinations: Summer Day courses.

Today I start to learn Spanish.
Voy a saber tres idiomas, puttas!

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Pride parade was beautiful. Even the boy got fabulous.
never again.

17 Jolly Ranchers + 1 mickey of vodka + tonic water + Gatorade bottle = super stealth public intoxication



shoes, I hate you, but you're beautiful

It did give me a chance to drunk call my boyfriend twice. Drunk Rahwood is quite explicit about not liking being apart.

Am a whiny bitch.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Summertime in LondON

pretty shitty