Sunday, January 3, 2016

Squirrel Nut Zippers

I'm feeling blue and a little heartbroken, but at least I know someone out there cares. I hope the future me goes through this post from a brighter, fuller perspective. Right now, I just feel completely let down. I would be frustrated if I wasn't so sad. 

The path to finding true love is riddled with struggle, risk, and heartbreak. I read in Quartz that the true question shouldn't be what do you want in life, but what are you willing to endure. Sometimes I think love isn't worth the struggle and rejection when it's so painful. Maybe I didn't find love, just a connection, a friend. Maybe I'll keep searching and it will never even come close to what I once had.

I just can't believe wanting someone so bad could be so unmutual. Or maybe I forgot.

And in the dead of winter I go numb, once more.

Sad post Sarah