An unsuccessful Skype session left this girl in tears after a breezy encounter with boy.
The connection was false, and after continuous isolation studying, with none of my close friends nearby, seeing the one person that would help me the most in that setting was pitifully disappointing.
It also didn't help that I was given no detail into our next encounter. Normally I'm fairly chill, but these are shitty post-mortem times. There is nothing more calming than the reassurance of time and numbers.
Upon returning to the textual platform, we agreed that the medium wasn't for us.
The cold synthetic interaction did more than exacerbate the sense of longing.
Talking to a computer screen always made me uncomfortable, I've never been able to do it.
In the spotlight, it is so distant from true human interaction. You are put in a small window with a timer measuring your interaction and limited mobility. The person on the other end could be looking at anything - porn if they wanted. I get the weirdest feeling from looking at someone's eyes through a screen without seeing them.
The 'uncanny valley' might explain this as so close to a real human experience that it evokes an opposite response to the sense of connection advertised.
One would agree.