Obviously this post is about my super sweet-ass cute-as-fuck costume at LXA's alphabet party. You have to dress up as something that starts with same letter of your first name. I went as the Sky, which sounds boring but looks adorable! It was really cheap to make as well. I took my American Apparel shiny blue tinkerbell dress and dazzled it with clouds. I hot glued cotton balls together to form clouds and glued those on to bristol board. After I cut tightly around that, I stuck a safety pin through the paper and my dress. The sun was ridicks easy since I just glued it to a plastic black headband.
Room for improvement: Could've added like birds to it I guess? And maybe extra strength paper and cotton balls would have been effective. So much drank was thrown around they kind of sadly fell off.
Perfect for non-crafters!
The lovely ladies next to me went as Katy Perry (Kristina) and Absolut Vodka (Aly). You cant really tell with the vodka one because we hadn't taped the letters yet. oops!