Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sweet Relief

Here's hoping I got at least 45% on that exam. Then I'm in the clear! Good riddance compsci.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

baby blues

I love you grammie. This keeps getting harder. Since the day I've been here we keep losing little pieces of you. I know this is so hard for you, and I'm sorry you had to go like this. Stuck in the den with a tv. Even though you can barely talk, I think I know you better than I did before. It's clear you were loved by many. The circulation of people and the cards and flowers that have been sent show it. I should've known you better. Also, I can't believe you put up with grandpa for that long. Yikes, you're way cooler than him. Sorry gpa, but yikes^

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Cox Residence

Ohhh my grandpa. He may speak down to me, but what a child. I can only defend him to myself for so long before I perceive him as immature and insensitive. Strike One. When you let down the ladies who have been doing unlimited tasks for you because you're too timid and restless to be in the same house as your dying wife... well that's too much. The nurse needs someone else there that's all. Hardly any pressure. I don't know. If I was married to someone for sixty years, I might act differently. Death does weird things to people.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

nbd..o wait

my grammies hair is gone and she couldn't leave her room today
so yah bd
any form of communication will do
you're great a lot
but sometimes your mistakes are so obviously retarded

Man dude

Why is my sister just a downer butt.
All I asked was if she and her boyfriend emailed.
And she somehow made me doubt my relationship
because mine and I do...
Does this make sense?
No, but in a world where she has to be better than me
at least at most things
it does.

eye roll, smd

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

fucking yellow

It's a sad day when an article
uncovering the recent insurgence of plastic surgeries performed on chins
is emboldened below a small strip about a bombing in afghanistan.

Bermuda Bound Bitchez

Yay vacay
I guess

Do I frolic and enjoy myself amongst an invalid.
Ahh this is scary.
I've never been exposed to this.
I don't know what scares me more, seeing my grandmother in a pre-mortem state or my grandfather's reaction.

Les gahs

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Will this week not stop shitting on my head.
Ahhhh I'm a a dumb fuck and texting is evil.
The only typos I that I make offend my boyfriend.
This is where I freak out.
Or compulsively clean the house.

Friday, April 13, 2012

hear no evil

Sorry babe, but sometimes when you talk you talk too much and I become a cagey bombshelter.
Learn to read.

I don't need you to attack my emotions with pretty words while I am fully aware of them.

My grammie's dying, live while you can, she'll be happier for it blah blah blah. Thanks, say it once.
Now I'm just crying AND I feel shitty for peacing on you so abruptly.

Ahhh it's cool though, you do your best.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Well, that was the week from hell... Even if I can't get my passport on time.... I'm not doing my exams.

The above is an exaggeration. For while I do have many academic and decaying relative struggles, I just spent the longest amount of time with one person than I ever have before. Thursday night to Wednesday morning he was by my side. Staying up til 4am while I exhausted my self over a last minute essay. Fuck, it's great not to have a fucktard or give any fucks.

My roommates on the other hand may feel differently... Depending on the acoustics of the house, they may have been exposed to 8 hours and 7 sessions. We're gross and irresponsible right now. Hopefully, I like him a little bit less by next year so that I can re-focus my brain.... Bound to get A's at least once in my undergrad? Maybe, but for now I'll ride the wave and embrace this anomie in my life. A nice guy!

And to the hypocrite that bitches about me to my best friend after years of bulllllogne... RUDE.

I need a passport.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Facebook should make a "nobody gives a shit about your bathroom selfie" button

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Don't make plans if you know you're gonna fuck them up
Just don't make them

Then I don't have to be overly disappointed after sitting in a library all day
I know you mean well but fuuuck
Or tell me what you're doing before it's 2am

Sunday, April 1, 2012

every little thing

is gonna be okay.

We had our first fight. Weird: we talked about it, perplexed about the notion. I guess it just happened. It's odd how yelling at you and throwing away my phone and shoes makes me love you more. Sorry I hit you, though I can barely remember what we fought about, the look on your face stains my memory.

Your post-sex slumber is cute. Let you never see this blog.

<3's kyle