Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Well, that was the week from hell... Even if I can't get my passport on time.... I'm not doing my exams.

The above is an exaggeration. For while I do have many academic and decaying relative struggles, I just spent the longest amount of time with one person than I ever have before. Thursday night to Wednesday morning he was by my side. Staying up til 4am while I exhausted my self over a last minute essay. Fuck, it's great not to have a fucktard or give any fucks.

My roommates on the other hand may feel differently... Depending on the acoustics of the house, they may have been exposed to 8 hours and 7 sessions. We're gross and irresponsible right now. Hopefully, I like him a little bit less by next year so that I can re-focus my brain.... Bound to get A's at least once in my undergrad? Maybe, but for now I'll ride the wave and embrace this anomie in my life. A nice guy!

And to the hypocrite that bitches about me to my best friend after years of bulllllogne... RUDE.

I need a passport.