Thursday, April 24, 2014


So I found a place close to uptown, downtown? There's a Chapters and lots of food places, so I'm satisfied at least. I'm not even sure if Waterloo has a notable downtown, or if it does... it's weeeeak.

Here are the pics the gentleman subletting it to me sent:

Can you tell it's a dude's room? Stay tuned for redecorating.

Check my threads!

Not totally sure what the deal is with AC... I forgot.
There's a bikini chick above the desk -_-
Shit's comin down.

I may demand he leave his games.

That game of Operation was there when I toured. 
Note the extra table for beer pong. Because you have to have one!

There's also a backyard! Like 1/8 of an acre, but I'm going to make a garden bed.
They have a trampoline. So happy, my parents threw ours out over a year ago. I wonder if I can still do some tricks. PROBABLY. o/\o

Moving my stuff this Saturday! Lord I am so tired of driving.